The CrowdProperty team will be at a few events in July and August around Australia. Check them out below and if you’re in town, come along and see the team.
Wholesale Investor - Venture and Capital – 27 July 2022
We’re exhibiting at the Wholesale Investor Venture and Capital conference on Wed 27 July.
We’re also presenting at this conference, talking about CrowdProperty as an alternative investment option for wholesale investors.
Let us know if you’re in Sydney and keen to come along and we’ll sort you out with a ticket.
Advisor information breakfast – Thursday 18 August 2022
We’re inviting Adelaide’s top advisors to join the team for a breakfast event to discover what CrowdProperty offers for their wholesale investors as an alternative investment. Guests will hear from CrowdProperty CEO David Ingram on what the platform offers, from COO Tony Zulli about the benefits for SMSFs in diversifying their investments to better meet the ATOs guidelines, and from property director Daniel He about the Adelaide and national small-scale development markets. Contact us to register your interest.
Property developer meet-up – Thursday 18 August 2022
We’re sponsoring the Adelaide Property Group’s next meet-up which is all about speed, ease, and certainty — getting your planning right, and secure your finance.
Guests will hear from one of Adelaide’s leading planners — Marcus Rolfe, URPS — will hear an interview with local developer Phi Le about his 20-lot subdivision in Salisbury Heights and working with CrowdProperty to secure finance, and from the CrowdProperty team on what the platform has to offer small-scale developers as a finance partner.
If you’re in Adelaide and keen to join the meet-up, sign up on Eventbrite here.
Australian Property Expo – Sat 20 – Sun 21 August 2022
We’re joining the Australian Property Expo again as an exhibitor at their upcoming Brisbane show. Come and find us on stand E39 to find out about finance for your small-scale developments, or investment opportunities in property projects.
Get more info here.