live Projects

Risk Warning: Potential investors into the CrowdProperty Retail Investment Trust ARSN 660 999 575 (Trust) should ensure they obtain a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement and read it in its entirety, particularly the risk section before making an application to invest. All investments, including those in the Trust, involve risk which can lead to no or lower than expected returns, or a loss of part or all of your capital.

Currently we have no projects
live and funding as they have
all been fully funded
good things take time

Every project launched on our platform is subject to the rigorous CrowdProperty Promise protection process. Good things take time, and the security of your funds is most important to us.

To view projects which we expect will be launching in the coming weeks, please refer to our anticipated pipeline of projects below.

Coming soon

Risk Warning: Potential investors into the CrowdProperty Retail Investment Trust ARSN 660 999 575 (Trust) should ensure they obtain a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement and read it in its entirety, particularly the risk section before making an application to invest. All investments, including those in the Trust, involve risk which can lead to no or lower than expected returns, or a loss of part or all of your capital.

Our anticipated short-term pipeline is subject to change. This is due to the variability in timescales to conduct the legal requirements of property transactions.

Risk Warning: Potential investors into the CrowdProperty Retail Investment Trust ARSN 660 999 575 (Trust) should ensure they obtain a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement and read it in its entirety, particularly the risk section before making an application to invest. All investments, including those in the Trust, involve risk which can lead to no or lower than expected returns, or a loss of part or all of your capital.